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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lies (Intro)

So I've been keeping yet another list in my phone. 
(Who would've guessed?)

This list is one that I started about 5 years ago, and have been adding to periodically when the thoughts hit me.

It is a list of LIES.

A list of lies I've been told.  Lies told to me by the world, the media, and maybe even my families, friends, coworkers, leaders, and mentors. 

They are all lies that I believed at one time.  Maybe some of them were simply unspoken expectations I've come to realize are wrong.  But they are all UNTRUTHS nonetheless.  Maybe you'll recognize a few.

I have compiled a list of 16 (sixteen) lies that we will explore in the coming days.  Chances are, I'll think of more and the list will grow.

Tune in tomorrow for Lie #1.


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